
Vector: have a direction

Scalar: can be +/- but not be direction

Translaten in 1 or 2 Dimensions

3m +^

i^ j^ for two dimensions movement

|   |

x  y   z

|   |    |

I^ j^ k^ for three dimension

“|A->|” is scalar type (magnitude)(with unit) ex. 5m

“A->” vector type (with unit) ex. (3 i^+4 j^) m

“A^” vector type (no unit) ex. 3 i^+4 j^

If “|A^|” = 1, then it’s an unit vector

Vector to Scalar:

“i->” * “j->” = 0

“i->” * “i->” = 1

“j->” * “j->” = 1

“i->” + “j->” = sqrt(“i->”^2+“j->”^2)